quelles formalités à l'arrivée aux Canaries?

Je suis immatriculé sous pavillon Français.
Y-a t 'il des formalités à remplir à mon arrivée aux Canaries, (Espagne)?
Une autre façon de formuler la question : y a t'il des formalités pour un bateau Français à l'arrivée dans un pays de l'union européenne, Royaume Uni compris?
Merci pour votre réponse.

22 sept. 2012
22 sept. 2012

A ma connaissance non , aucune ...
Juste les formalités portuaires normales , comme quand tu arrives dans un port français :-) :-)

22 sept. 2012

Et sortir ton portefeuille aussi :langue2: :-D

22 sept. 2012

pas plus qu'aux Baléares ....

23 sept. 2012

canaries ,rien a faire , iles sympas a l intérieur , surtout ne pas hésiter a louer une voiture , toutes les iles sont sympa a l intérieur

26 sept. 2012

A propos des Canaries, j'ai trouvé cela sur YBW, je ne sais pas si on en a déjà parlé ici

En pratique, aux Canaries tous les bateaux non-espagnols ne peuvent pas rester au mouillage mais doivent aller dans une marina.
C'est vrai qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de mouillages, mais quand-même..

En lisant cela, il paraît que dans certaines îles cela ne soit pas appliqué, mais dans d'autres (Tenerife) c'est tout à fait le cas.

"From the OCC Port Officer in Rosas Spain:

finally we're at a marina in Tenerife with Wi-Fi. I don't know if
you're aware of this, but there seems to be some new legislation in
place in Spanish waters...

We anchored without problems in Lanzarote and Fuertaventura for
several days. On arrival to Tenerife however, we were contacted by
Tenerife traffic control by name, who clearly were monitoring our AIS
signal. and after telling them of our intention to anchor in a popular
spot North of Santa Cruz, we were told that this was prohibited for
non-Spanish vessels and that we had to stay at a marina or a
commercial harbour. They said that anchoring for more than several
hours was allowed only for Spanish vessels anywhere in the Canaries.
It sounded ridiculous and we didn't believe it. Then, after moving
further south to a very pleasant and popular anchorage together with a
French registered vessel, both our boat and the French one's documents
were checked by a patrol boat of the Guardia Civil, after which we
were promptly asked to leave and were told we could stay only in a
marina, a commercial harbor, or an "approved anchorage for foreign
yachts" further south, whatever that means - which we could use after
contacting them. All this is quite strange since there was nothing of
the sort in mainland Spain, nor on Lanzarote or Fuertaventura, where
while at anchor we were regularly passed by Guardia Civil patrol
boats, who didn't take any interest in us whatsoever. To further
complicate the situation we were told that this was the situation on
all Canary islands, as well as in Spain... Only registered vessels are
presently allowed to anchor overnight."

I was talking with the Capitania Maritima de Santa Cruz de Tenerife and they say it is correct, no Spanish flag boats can anchor anywhere on the coast.
The thought is that they apply the rule as it is not applied in other parts of spain. Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are not from Santa Cruz Capitania, are from Las Palmas, and nobody is saying anything there.
Probably when the Captain of Santa Cruz leaves his position they will no longer apply this rule there.
Any way if anybody wants to anchor in any spot of Santa Cruz, La Gomera, La Palma & Hierro, they have to ask for permission at the Capitania of Santa Cruz one or two days before, (preferable a week) and then they won’t have any problem to go.

We're saddened but not too surprised...we've returned early from our planned cruise, firstly we've been unlucky with our winds and weather.
But more to the point, we went to Mallorca to survey places for next years parties and in Puerto Colum, Mallorca's only safe all weather anchorage, we found three quarters of the anchoring area covered with mooring buoys at 45/55 euros a night and offering NO facilities. Most of the buoys were empty and everyone anchoring in one tight corner. An official told us that next year the whole anchorage would be moorings only, so no anchoring at all and that the Balearics Govt were taking over control of the situation. On buying the latest pilot, we see that these moorings are being laid at all the Island anchorages.
The pleasant atmosphere of the Balearics is being tarnished and we will not return there."

26 sept. 2012

Merci pour avoir rapporté ce témoignage. C'est regrettable, mais il faut reconnaître une généralisation des comportements crapuleux, tant publics que privés, dans le domaine de la plaisance. Le sommet est atteint quand on fait payer du mouillage sur ancre en milieu naturel, ce qui est parfois le cas.

26 sept. 2012

Nous devrions crèer un mouvement de solidarité entre plaisanciers et boycotter toutes les places ou il y a de l'abus..

La mer est le dernier des derniers espaces de liberté et il est assiégé par les autorités gouvernementales..

Notre seul pouvoir est le boycotte massif..

Je n'irais pas aux Baleares.. Et sans doute non plus aux Canaries...

Phare du monde

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