NASA Radiotelex Weatherman

Dear Sir, I bougth a used device from a German person. Do you know if it is possible to change device's Language and which is the way? Thank you in advance

23 sept. 2016
23 sept. 2016

You have to call Nasa, they will provide you with a new prom (strange but they have 2 proms one in german and one in english, the software is not able to switch the language !)

23 sept. 201623 sept. 2016

Now you can learn German and French to write on the forums !

or change proms !

26 sept. 2016

Thanks at all. Nasa is sending to me a new chip to change in the printed circuit board (18 euros)

26 sept. 2016


Thank you for your feedback !

So long

Petit matin Gibraltar juin 2024

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  • 4.5 (76)

Petit matin Gibraltar juin 2024