Je n'arrive pas à contacter l'héonaute qui a un pb de pompe sur le circuit du liquide de refroidissement de son MD11C.
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10 sept. 2018
15 sept. 2018

You can identify if the reason for poor compression is due to rings or valves by squirting some oil into the inlet valves and then repeating the test. If compression is no good and bouncy you have worn rings with excessive gap clearance

12 sept. 201912 sept. 2019

you can distinguish if the explanation behind poor pressure is because of rings or valves by squirting some oil into the delta valves and afterward rehashing the test. In the event that pressure is nothing more than a bad memory and fun you have worn rings with intemperate hole freedom.[...]/

Farol do Arnel, Sao Miguel, Acores

Phare du monde

  • 4.5 (168)

Farol do Arnel, Sao Miguel, Acores